On Tue, 14 Aug 2007, Josh Berkus wrote:
> Also, quite frankly, I'm thinking that I'd rather target the DBs with money
> (Oracle, DB2, MSSQL).
I started with MySQL because it was obvious how to make a fairly tight
case against using it, and because so many of the comparisons out there
were just grossly wrong and/or outdated. The comparisions involving
PostgreSQL vs. Oracle/DB2/MSSQL that are floating around the web already
seemed relatively fair in most cases.
The biggest problem I forsee with targeting the "with money" crowd is how
to cope with the benchmarking aspect. You/Sun handed me a great pair to
address PG vs. MySQL performance and I had the tweakers.net one to point
to as well, doing similar comparisions against the commercial databases
has messy bits like non-disclosure restrictions involved.
Anyway, as I'd kinda hoped would happen, the information that's come out
of the tail of the MySQL discussion (like the MVCC and rollback details)
leads right into mounting a campaign against the bigger guns. I
considered it more of a warm-up than a final target. I think the
replication area really need to be addressed better before starting that
fight as well.
* Greg Smith gsmith@gregsmith.com http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD