>> > I don't think "another extension might use it someday" makes a very strong case,
>> > particularly for something that requires a new dependency.
>> The x86-simdsort library is an optional dependency in Postgres. Also the new list sort implementation which uses the
x86-simdsortlibrary does not impact any of the existing workflows in Postgres.
>"Optional" and "Does not impact" are not great selling points to get
>us to take a 1500 line patch. As we told you in November, list_sort
>isn't critical for us. You need to start with the user and work
>backwards to the technology. Don't pick a technology and try to sell
>people on using it.
Agree on starting from the user problem and work towards technology. As stated upthread, the problem being addressed
hereis optimizing pg_vector list_sort (which relies on postgres list_sort) to speed up HNSW index construction. The
resultsshow 7-10% improvements on vector workloads using the library.
Given the same x86-simdsort library is intended to optimize 1) list_sort 2) tuple sort, it didn't make sense to
duplicatethe work to integrate it in pg_vector for list_sort, and then again in postgres for tuple-sort.
We're trying to tackle list_sort and tuple_sort in separate patches using the same x86-simdsort library, with the goal
tooptimize both. Let us know if this approach is preferred and if the list_sort patch could be reviewed and any other
testswe should do, or would you rather see tuple_sort benchmarks.
- Akash Shankaran