On 7/11/19 1:04 PM, Wayne Mell wrote:
> Can someone help me with executing a postgres function from VBA? No
> matter what function I call, it always times out after exactly 30
> seconds. I've tried to use the statement_timeout a million different
> ways and always get an error that states "Cancelling statement due to
> statement timeout" in Access.
> Here is the code I've been using to test:
> Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
> Dim cnnCmd As ADODB.Command
> Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
> cnn.ConnectionString = "Driver={PostgreSQL
> Unicode(x64)};Server=postgres.office.server;Port=5432;Database=DBS;UID=postgresuser;PWD=postgrespwd;"
> cnn.ConnectionTimeout = 0
> cnn.Open
> Set cnnCmd = New ADODB.Command
> cnnCmd.CommandTimeout = 0
> Set cnnCmd = cnn.Execute("select pg_sleep(50);")
> There are other functions that I've tried to execute, and they all work
> as long as they take less than 30 seconds to run. I just started
> running pg_sleep to test.
> If I log into pgAdmin with the same user name and password, and on the
> same machine, then the functions will execute no matter how long they
> take. It's only through VBA and the psqlODBC driver that I have the 30
> second timeout limit.
> Has anyone found a way to make this work? Thanks.
https://www.postgresql-archive.org/BUG-odbc-statement-timeout-gets-set-to-30000-td5992591.html >
Adrian Klaver