I have tried several installs of postgresql-8.1.3-1 and postgresql-8.1.4-1,
with psqlodbc-08_02_0002.zip and PgOleDb-
After each uninstall I delete the entire contents of the C:\Program
Files\PostgreSQL directory.
I am using VB6 SP6b.
My 'Connection' string is:
Provider=PostgreSQL OLE DB Provider;Password=xxxxxx;User ID=postgres;Data
Source=;Location=spatial;Extended Properties=""
When the following code runs against a table with a geometry column I get
the following error:
Query returned unhandled type 16411
The code generated the string :
select the_geom from singleton limit 1;
If I change the code to be:
select asText(the_geom) from singleton limit 1;
there is no error produced.
If I run the query against any non-spatially enabled table like"
select * from pg_stat_user_tables;
there is no error produced.
I.E. I am sure it relates to the geometry field:
All my other queries work, including inserting geometry although I do use
the ascii version for the geometry.
Roger Merritt
Here is the source code from my VB6 project:
Set PGSConnection = New ADODB.Connection
With PGSConnection
Call .Open(GetPostgresConnectionString(txt_Server_IP, txt_Database,
txt_PortNo, txt_LoginName, txt_Password), txt_LoginName, txt_Password)
End With
If PGSConnection.State <> 1 Then
MsgBox "Connection String is: " +
GetPostgresConnectionString(txt_Server_IP, txt_Database, txt_PortNo,
txt_LoginName, txt_Password), vbOKOnly, AppName + " Database did not open?"
Set PGSConnection = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
Dim PGS_RecSet As ADODB.Recordset, RecCount As Long, Cntr As Long,
PGSField As ADODB.field
Set PGS_RecSet = New ADODB.Recordset
With PGS_RecSet
.ActiveConnection = PGSConnection
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
.LockType = adLockReadOnly
.Open Source:="select the_geom from " + TableName + " limit 1;"
'.Open Source:="select * from pg_stat_user_tables;"
End With