Re: Optimizer questions - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From konstantin knizhnik
Subject Re: Optimizer questions
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Optimizer questions  (Tom Lane <>)
Responses Re: Optimizer questions
List pgsql-hackers
On Mar 10, 2016, at 1:56 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

> Konstantin Knizhnik <> writes:
>> I think that the best approach is to generate two different paths:
>> original one, when projection is always done before sort and another one
>> with postponed projection of non-trivial columns. Then we compare costs
>> of two paths and choose the best one.
>> Unfortunately, I do not understand now how to implement it with existed
>> grouping_planner.
>> Do you think that it is possible?
> After fooling with this awhile, I don't think it's actually necessary
> to do that.  See attached proof-of-concept patch.

O, you did all my work:)

But right now the rule for cost estimation makes it not possible to apply this optimization for simple expressions like

postgres=# create table a (b integer);
postgres=# insert into a values (generate_series(1, 10));
postgres=# select b+b from a order by b limit 1;
NOTICE:  int4pl
NOTICE:  int4pl
NOTICE:  int4pl
NOTICE:  int4pl
NOTICE:  int4pl
NOTICE:  int4pl
NOTICE:  int4pl
NOTICE:  int4pl
NOTICE:  int4pl
NOTICE:  int4pl?column?
----------       2
(1 row)
postgres=# create or replace function twice(x integer) returns integer as $$ begin raise notice 'exec function' ;
returnx + x ; end $$ language plpgsql; 
postgres=# select twice(b) from a order by b limit 1;
NOTICE:  exec function
NOTICE:  int4pltwice
-------    2
(1 row)

I wonder is there any advantages of earlier evaluation of such simple expressions if them are not needed for sort?
It seems to be only true for narrowing functions, like md5... But I think that it is quite exotic case, isn't it?
May be it is reasonable to be more optimistic in estimation cost of postponed expression evaluation?

Also I do not completely understand your concern about windows functions.
Is there any example of query with windows or aggregate functions when this optimization (postponing expression
evaluation)can be applied? 
It will be also interesting to me to know if there are some other cases (except SORT+LIMIT) when delaying projection
leedsto more efficient plan. 

> Although this patch gets through our regression tests, that's only because
> it's conservative about deciding to postpone evaluation; if it tried to
> postpone evaluation in a query with window functions, it would fail
> miserably, because pull_var_clause doesn't know about window functions.
> I think that that's a clear oversight and we should extend it to offer
> the same sorts of behaviors as it does for Aggrefs.  But that would be
> slightly invasive, there being a dozen or so callers; so I didn't bother
> to do it yet pending comments on this patch.
> I think it's probably also broken for SRFs in the tlist; we need to work
> out what semantics we want for those.  If we postpone any SRF to after
> the Sort, we can no longer assume that a query LIMIT enables use of
> bounded sort (because the SRF might repeatedly return zero rows).
> I don't have a huge problem with that, but I think now would be a good
> time to nail down some semantics.
> Some other work that would be useful would be to refactor so that the
> cost_qual_eval operations aren't so redundant.  But that's just a small
> time savings not a question of functionality.
> And we'd have to document that this changes the behavior for volatile
> functions.  For the better, I think: this will mean that you get
> consistent results no matter whether the query is implemented by
> indexscan or seqscan-and-sort, which has never been true before.
> But it is a change.
> Do people approve of this sort of change in general, or this patch
> approach in particular?  Want to bikeshed the specific
> when-to-postpone-eval policies implemented here?  Other comments?
>             regards, tom lane
> diff --git a/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planner.c b/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planner.c
> index 8937e71..b15fca1 100644
> *** a/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planner.c
> --- b/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planner.c
> *************** static RelOptInfo *create_distinct_paths
> *** 126,131 ****
> --- 126,132 ----
>                        RelOptInfo *input_rel);
>  static RelOptInfo *create_ordered_paths(PlannerInfo *root,
>                       RelOptInfo *input_rel,
> +                      PathTarget *target,
>                       double limit_tuples);
>  static PathTarget *make_group_input_target(PlannerInfo *root, List *tlist);
>  static List *postprocess_setop_tlist(List *new_tlist, List *orig_tlist);
> *************** static PathTarget *make_window_input_tar
> *** 134,139 ****
> --- 135,142 ----
>                           List *tlist, List *activeWindows);
>  static List *make_pathkeys_for_window(PlannerInfo *root, WindowClause *wc,
>                           List *tlist);
> + static PathTarget *make_sort_input_target(PlannerInfo *root,
> +                        PathTarget *final_target);
>  /*****************************************************************************
> *************** grouping_planner(PlannerInfo *root, bool
> *** 1378,1383 ****
> --- 1381,1387 ----
>      int64        offset_est = 0;
>      int64        count_est = 0;
>      double        limit_tuples = -1.0;
> +     PathTarget *final_target;
>      RelOptInfo *current_rel;
>      RelOptInfo *final_rel;
>      ListCell   *lc;
> *************** grouping_planner(PlannerInfo *root, bool
> *** 1437,1442 ****
> --- 1441,1449 ----
>          /* Save aside the final decorated tlist */
>          root->processed_tlist = tlist;
> +         /* Also extract the PathTarget form of the setop result tlist */
> +         final_target = current_rel->cheapest_total_path->pathtarget;
> +
>          /*
>           * Can't handle FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE here (parser should have
>           * checked already, but let's make sure).
> *************** grouping_planner(PlannerInfo *root, bool
> *** 1461,1467 ****
>      else
>      {
>          /* No set operations, do regular planning */
> !         PathTarget *final_target;
>          PathTarget *grouping_target;
>          PathTarget *scanjoin_target;
>          bool        have_grouping;
> --- 1468,1474 ----
>      else
>      {
>          /* No set operations, do regular planning */
> !         PathTarget *sort_input_target;
>          PathTarget *grouping_target;
>          PathTarget *scanjoin_target;
>          bool        have_grouping;
> *************** grouping_planner(PlannerInfo *root, bool
> *** 1657,1678 ****
>          final_target = create_pathtarget(root, tlist);
>          /*
>           * If we have window functions to deal with, the output from any
>           * grouping step needs to be what the window functions want;
> !          * otherwise, it should just be final_target.
>           */
>          if (activeWindows)
>              grouping_target = make_window_input_target(root,
>                                                         tlist,
>                                                         activeWindows);
>          else
> !             grouping_target = final_target;
>          /*
>           * If we have grouping or aggregation to do, the topmost scan/join
> !          * plan node must emit what the grouping step wants; otherwise, if
> !          * there's window functions, it must emit what the window functions
> !          * want; otherwise, it should emit final_target.
>           */
>          have_grouping = (parse->groupClause || parse->groupingSets ||
>                           parse->hasAggs || root->hasHavingQual);
> --- 1664,1694 ----
>          final_target = create_pathtarget(root, tlist);
>          /*
> +          * If ORDER BY was given, consider whether we should use a post-sort
> +          * projection, and compute the adjusted target for preceding steps if
> +          * so.
> +          */
> +         if (parse->sortClause)
> +             sort_input_target = make_sort_input_target(root, final_target);
> +         else
> +             sort_input_target = final_target;
> +
> +         /*
>           * If we have window functions to deal with, the output from any
>           * grouping step needs to be what the window functions want;
> !          * otherwise, it should be sort_input_target.
>           */
>          if (activeWindows)
>              grouping_target = make_window_input_target(root,
>                                                         tlist,
>                                                         activeWindows);
>          else
> !             grouping_target = sort_input_target;
>          /*
>           * If we have grouping or aggregation to do, the topmost scan/join
> !          * plan node must emit what the grouping step wants; otherwise, it
> !          * should emit grouping_target.
>           */
>          have_grouping = (parse->groupClause || parse->groupingSets ||
>                           parse->hasAggs || root->hasHavingQual);
> *************** grouping_planner(PlannerInfo *root, bool
> *** 1733,1739 ****
>              current_rel = create_window_paths(root,
>                                                current_rel,
>                                                grouping_target,
> !                                               final_target,
>                                                tlist,
>                                                wflists,
>                                                activeWindows);
> --- 1749,1755 ----
>              current_rel = create_window_paths(root,
>                                                current_rel,
>                                                grouping_target,
> !                                               sort_input_target,
>                                                tlist,
>                                                wflists,
>                                                activeWindows);
> *************** grouping_planner(PlannerInfo *root, bool
> *** 1793,1798 ****
> --- 1809,1815 ----
>      {
>          current_rel = create_ordered_paths(root,
>                                             current_rel,
> +                                            final_target,
>                                             limit_tuples);
>      }
> *************** create_distinct_paths(PlannerInfo *root,
> *** 3704,3715 ****
> --- 3721,3734 ----
>   * cheapest-total existing path.
>   *
>   * input_rel: contains the source-data Paths
> +  * target: the output tlist the result Paths must emit
>   * limit_tuples: estimated bound on the number of output tuples,
>   *        or -1 if no LIMIT or couldn't estimate
>   */
>  static RelOptInfo *
>  create_ordered_paths(PlannerInfo *root,
>                       RelOptInfo *input_rel,
> +                      PathTarget *target,
>                       double limit_tuples)
>  {
>      Path       *cheapest_input_path = input_rel->cheapest_total_path;
> *************** create_ordered_paths(PlannerInfo *root,
> *** 3737,3742 ****
> --- 3756,3767 ----
>                                                   root->sort_pathkeys,
>                                                   limit_tuples);
>              }
> +
> +             /* Add projection step if needed */
> +             if (path->pathtarget != target)
> +                 path = apply_projection_to_path(root, ordered_rel,
> +                                                 path, target);
> +
>              add_path(ordered_rel, path);
>          }
>      }
> *************** make_pathkeys_for_window(PlannerInfo *ro
> *** 4140,4145 ****
> --- 4165,4357 ----
>  }
>  /*
> +  * make_sort_input_target
> +  *      Generate appropriate PathTarget for initial input to Sort step.
> +  *
> +  * If the query has ORDER BY, this function chooses the target list to be
> +  * computed by the node just below the Sort (and Distinct, if any) steps.
> +  * This might or might not be identical to the query's final output tlist.
> +  *
> +  * The main argument for keeping the sort-input tlist the same as the final
> +  * is that we avoid a separate projection node (which will be needed if
> +  * they're different, because Sort can't project).  However, there are also
> +  * advantages to postponing tlist evaluation till after the Sort: it ensures
> +  * a consistent order of evaluation for any volatile functions in the tlist,
> +  * and if there's also a LIMIT, we can stop the query without ever computing
> +  * tlist functions for later rows, which is beneficial for both volatile and
> +  * expensive functions.
> +  *
> +  * Our current policy is to postpone volatile expressions till after the sort
> +  * unconditionally (assuming that that's possible, ie they are in plain tlist
> +  * columns and not ORDER/GROUP BY/DISTINCT columns).  Expensive expressions
> +  * are postponed if there is a LIMIT, or if root->tuple_fraction shows that
> +  * partial evaluation of the query is possible (if neither is true, we expect
> +  * to have to evaluate the expressions for every row anyway), or if there are
> +  * any volatile expressions (since once we've put in a projection at all,
> +  * it won't cost any more to postpone more stuff).
> +  *
> +  * Another issue that could potentially be considered here is that
> +  * evaluating tlist expressions could result in data that's either wider
> +  * or narrower than the input Vars, thus changing the volume of data that
> +  * has to go through the Sort.  However, we usually have only a very bad
> +  * idea of the output width of any expression more complex than a Var,
> +  * so for now it seems too risky to try to optimize on that basis.
> +  *
> +  * Note that if we do produce a modified sort-input target, and then the
> +  * query ends up not using an explicit Sort, no particular harm is done:
> +  * we'll initially use the modified target for the preceding path nodes,
> +  * but then change them to the final target with apply_projection_to_path.
> +  * Moreover, in such a case the guarantees about evaluation order of
> +  * volatile functions still hold, since the rows are sorted already.
> +  *
> +  * This function has some things in common with make_group_input_target and
> +  * make_window_input_target, though the detailed rules for what to do are
> +  * different.  We never flatten/postpone any grouping or ordering columns;
> +  * those are needed before the sort.  If we do flatten a particular
> +  * expression, we leave Aggref and WindowFunc nodes alone, since those were
> +  * computed earlier.
> +  *
> +  * 'final_target' is the query's final target list (in PathTarget form)
> +  *
> +  * The result is the PathTarget to be computed by the plan node immediately
> +  * below the Sort step (and the Distinct step, if any).  This will be
> +  * exactly final_target if we decide a projection step wouldn't be helpful.
> +  */
> + static PathTarget *
> + make_sort_input_target(PlannerInfo *root,
> +                        PathTarget *final_target)
> + {
> +     Query       *parse = root->parse;
> +     PathTarget *input_target;
> +     int            ncols;
> +     bool       *postpone_col;
> +     bool        have_volatile;
> +     bool        have_expensive;
> +     List       *flattenable_cols;
> +     List       *flattenable_vars;
> +     int            i;
> +     ListCell   *lc;
> +
> +     /* Shouldn't get here unless query has ORDER BY */
> +     Assert(parse->sortClause);
> +
> +     /* Inspect tlist and collect per-column information */
> +     ncols = list_length(final_target->exprs);
> +     postpone_col = (bool *) palloc0(ncols * sizeof(bool));
> +     have_volatile = have_expensive = false;
> +
> +     i = 0;
> +     foreach(lc, final_target->exprs)
> +     {
> +         Expr       *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(lc);
> +
> +         /*
> +          * If the column has a sortgroupref, assume it has to be evaluated
> +          * before sorting.  Generally such columns would be ORDER BY, GROUP
> +          * BY, etc targets.  One exception is columns that were removed from
> +          * GROUP BY by remove_useless_groupby_columns() ... but those would
> +          * only be Vars anyway.
> +          */
> +         if (final_target->sortgrouprefs[i] == 0)
> +         {
> +             /*
> +              * If it's volatile, that's an unconditional reason to postpone.
> +              */
> +             if (contain_volatile_functions((Node *) expr))
> +             {
> +                 postpone_col[i] = true;
> +                 have_volatile = true;
> +             }
> +             else
> +             {
> +                 /*
> +                  * Else check the cost.  XXX it's annoying to have to do this
> +                  * when set_pathtarget_cost_width() just did it.  Refactor to
> +                  * allow sharing the work?
> +                  */
> +                 QualCost    cost;
> +
> +                 cost_qual_eval_node(&cost, (Node *) expr, root);
> +
> +                 /*
> +                  * We arbitrarily define "expensive" as "more than 10X
> +                  * cpu_operator_cost".  Note this will take in any PL function
> +                  * with default cost.
> +                  */
> +                 if (cost.per_tuple >= 10 * cpu_operator_cost)
> +                 {
> +                     postpone_col[i] = true;
> +                     have_expensive = true;
> +                 }
> +             }
> +         }
> +         i++;
> +     }
> +
> +     /*
> +      * If we don't need a post-sort projection, just return final_target.
> +      */
> +     if (!(have_volatile ||
> +           (have_expensive &&
> +            (parse->limitCount || root->tuple_fraction > 0))))
> +         return final_target;
> +
> +     /*
> +      * Otherwise, construct the sort-input target, taking all non-postponable
> +      * columns and then adding Vars, PlaceHolderVars, Aggrefs, and WindowFuncs
> +      * found in the postponable ones.  XXX define a create_empty_pathtarget()
> +      */
> +     input_target = palloc0(sizeof(PathTarget));
> +     flattenable_cols = NIL;
> +
> +     i = 0;
> +     foreach(lc, final_target->exprs)
> +     {
> +         Expr       *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(lc);
> +
> +         if (postpone_col[i])
> +         {
> +             flattenable_cols = lappend(flattenable_cols, expr);
> +         }
> +         else
> +         {
> +             add_column_to_pathtarget(input_target, expr,
> +                                      final_target->sortgrouprefs[i]);
> +         }
> +         i++;
> +     }
> +
> +     /*
> +      * Pull out all the Vars and Aggrefs mentioned in flattenable columns, and
> +      * add them to the result tlist if not already present.  (Some might be
> +      * there already because they're used directly as window/group clauses.)
> +      *
> +      * Note: it's essential to use PVC_INCLUDE_AGGREGATES here, so that the
> +      * Aggrefs are placed in the Agg node's tlist and not left to be computed
> +      * at higher levels.
> +      *
> +      * XXX need to extend pull_var_clause to handle windowfuncs specially.
> +      */
> +     flattenable_vars = pull_var_clause((Node *) flattenable_cols,
> +                                        PVC_INCLUDE_AGGREGATES,
> +                                        PVC_INCLUDE_PLACEHOLDERS);
> +     foreach(lc, flattenable_vars)
> +     {
> +         Expr       *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(lc);
> +
> +         if (!list_member(input_target->exprs, expr))
> +             add_column_to_pathtarget(input_target, expr, 0);
> +     }
> +
> +     /* clean up cruft */
> +     list_free(flattenable_vars);
> +     list_free(flattenable_cols);
> +
> +     /* XXX this represents even more redundant cost calculation ... */
> +     return set_pathtarget_cost_width(root, input_target);
> + }
> +
> + /*
>   * get_cheapest_fractional_path
>   *      Find the cheapest path for retrieving a specified fraction of all
>   *      the tuples expected to be returned by the given relation.
> --
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From: Fujii Masao
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