Re: Optimizer questions - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Tom Lane
Subject Re: Optimizer questions
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Optimizer questions  (Konstantin Knizhnik <>)
Responses Re: Optimizer questions
List pgsql-hackers
Konstantin Knizhnik <> writes:
> I think that the best approach is to generate two different paths:
> original one, when projection is always done before sort and another one
> with postponed projection of non-trivial columns. Then we compare costs
> of two paths and choose the best one.
> Unfortunately, I do not understand now how to implement it with existed
> grouping_planner.
> Do you think that it is possible?

After fooling with this awhile, I don't think it's actually necessary
to do that.  See attached proof-of-concept patch.

Although this patch gets through our regression tests, that's only because
it's conservative about deciding to postpone evaluation; if it tried to
postpone evaluation in a query with window functions, it would fail
miserably, because pull_var_clause doesn't know about window functions.
I think that that's a clear oversight and we should extend it to offer
the same sorts of behaviors as it does for Aggrefs.  But that would be
slightly invasive, there being a dozen or so callers; so I didn't bother
to do it yet pending comments on this patch.

I think it's probably also broken for SRFs in the tlist; we need to work
out what semantics we want for those.  If we postpone any SRF to after
the Sort, we can no longer assume that a query LIMIT enables use of
bounded sort (because the SRF might repeatedly return zero rows).
I don't have a huge problem with that, but I think now would be a good
time to nail down some semantics.

Some other work that would be useful would be to refactor so that the
cost_qual_eval operations aren't so redundant.  But that's just a small
time savings not a question of functionality.

And we'd have to document that this changes the behavior for volatile
functions.  For the better, I think: this will mean that you get
consistent results no matter whether the query is implemented by
indexscan or seqscan-and-sort, which has never been true before.
But it is a change.

Do people approve of this sort of change in general, or this patch
approach in particular?  Want to bikeshed the specific
when-to-postpone-eval policies implemented here?  Other comments?

            regards, tom lane

diff --git a/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planner.c b/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planner.c
index 8937e71..b15fca1 100644
*** a/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planner.c
--- b/src/backend/optimizer/plan/planner.c
*************** static RelOptInfo *create_distinct_paths
*** 126,131 ****
--- 126,132 ----
                        RelOptInfo *input_rel);
  static RelOptInfo *create_ordered_paths(PlannerInfo *root,
                       RelOptInfo *input_rel,
+                      PathTarget *target,
                       double limit_tuples);
  static PathTarget *make_group_input_target(PlannerInfo *root, List *tlist);
  static List *postprocess_setop_tlist(List *new_tlist, List *orig_tlist);
*************** static PathTarget *make_window_input_tar
*** 134,139 ****
--- 135,142 ----
                           List *tlist, List *activeWindows);
  static List *make_pathkeys_for_window(PlannerInfo *root, WindowClause *wc,
                           List *tlist);
+ static PathTarget *make_sort_input_target(PlannerInfo *root,
+                        PathTarget *final_target);

*************** grouping_planner(PlannerInfo *root, bool
*** 1378,1383 ****
--- 1381,1387 ----
      int64        offset_est = 0;
      int64        count_est = 0;
      double        limit_tuples = -1.0;
+     PathTarget *final_target;
      RelOptInfo *current_rel;
      RelOptInfo *final_rel;
      ListCell   *lc;
*************** grouping_planner(PlannerInfo *root, bool
*** 1437,1442 ****
--- 1441,1449 ----
          /* Save aside the final decorated tlist */
          root->processed_tlist = tlist;

+         /* Also extract the PathTarget form of the setop result tlist */
+         final_target = current_rel->cheapest_total_path->pathtarget;
           * Can't handle FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE here (parser should have
           * checked already, but let's make sure).
*************** grouping_planner(PlannerInfo *root, bool
*** 1461,1467 ****
          /* No set operations, do regular planning */
!         PathTarget *final_target;
          PathTarget *grouping_target;
          PathTarget *scanjoin_target;
          bool        have_grouping;
--- 1468,1474 ----
          /* No set operations, do regular planning */
!         PathTarget *sort_input_target;
          PathTarget *grouping_target;
          PathTarget *scanjoin_target;
          bool        have_grouping;
*************** grouping_planner(PlannerInfo *root, bool
*** 1657,1678 ****
          final_target = create_pathtarget(root, tlist);

           * If we have window functions to deal with, the output from any
           * grouping step needs to be what the window functions want;
!          * otherwise, it should just be final_target.
          if (activeWindows)
              grouping_target = make_window_input_target(root,
!             grouping_target = final_target;

           * If we have grouping or aggregation to do, the topmost scan/join
!          * plan node must emit what the grouping step wants; otherwise, if
!          * there's window functions, it must emit what the window functions
!          * want; otherwise, it should emit final_target.
          have_grouping = (parse->groupClause || parse->groupingSets ||
                           parse->hasAggs || root->hasHavingQual);
--- 1664,1694 ----
          final_target = create_pathtarget(root, tlist);

+          * If ORDER BY was given, consider whether we should use a post-sort
+          * projection, and compute the adjusted target for preceding steps if
+          * so.
+          */
+         if (parse->sortClause)
+             sort_input_target = make_sort_input_target(root, final_target);
+         else
+             sort_input_target = final_target;
+         /*
           * If we have window functions to deal with, the output from any
           * grouping step needs to be what the window functions want;
!          * otherwise, it should be sort_input_target.
          if (activeWindows)
              grouping_target = make_window_input_target(root,
!             grouping_target = sort_input_target;

           * If we have grouping or aggregation to do, the topmost scan/join
!          * plan node must emit what the grouping step wants; otherwise, it
!          * should emit grouping_target.
          have_grouping = (parse->groupClause || parse->groupingSets ||
                           parse->hasAggs || root->hasHavingQual);
*************** grouping_planner(PlannerInfo *root, bool
*** 1733,1739 ****
              current_rel = create_window_paths(root,
!                                               final_target,
--- 1749,1755 ----
              current_rel = create_window_paths(root,
!                                               sort_input_target,
*************** grouping_planner(PlannerInfo *root, bool
*** 1793,1798 ****
--- 1809,1815 ----
          current_rel = create_ordered_paths(root,
+                                            final_target,

*************** create_distinct_paths(PlannerInfo *root,
*** 3704,3715 ****
--- 3721,3734 ----
   * cheapest-total existing path.
   * input_rel: contains the source-data Paths
+  * target: the output tlist the result Paths must emit
   * limit_tuples: estimated bound on the number of output tuples,
   *        or -1 if no LIMIT or couldn't estimate
  static RelOptInfo *
  create_ordered_paths(PlannerInfo *root,
                       RelOptInfo *input_rel,
+                      PathTarget *target,
                       double limit_tuples)
      Path       *cheapest_input_path = input_rel->cheapest_total_path;
*************** create_ordered_paths(PlannerInfo *root,
*** 3737,3742 ****
--- 3756,3767 ----
+             /* Add projection step if needed */
+             if (path->pathtarget != target)
+                 path = apply_projection_to_path(root, ordered_rel,
+                                                 path, target);
              add_path(ordered_rel, path);
*************** make_pathkeys_for_window(PlannerInfo *ro
*** 4140,4145 ****
--- 4165,4357 ----

+  * make_sort_input_target
+  *      Generate appropriate PathTarget for initial input to Sort step.
+  *
+  * If the query has ORDER BY, this function chooses the target list to be
+  * computed by the node just below the Sort (and Distinct, if any) steps.
+  * This might or might not be identical to the query's final output tlist.
+  *
+  * The main argument for keeping the sort-input tlist the same as the final
+  * is that we avoid a separate projection node (which will be needed if
+  * they're different, because Sort can't project).  However, there are also
+  * advantages to postponing tlist evaluation till after the Sort: it ensures
+  * a consistent order of evaluation for any volatile functions in the tlist,
+  * and if there's also a LIMIT, we can stop the query without ever computing
+  * tlist functions for later rows, which is beneficial for both volatile and
+  * expensive functions.
+  *
+  * Our current policy is to postpone volatile expressions till after the sort
+  * unconditionally (assuming that that's possible, ie they are in plain tlist
+  * columns and not ORDER/GROUP BY/DISTINCT columns).  Expensive expressions
+  * are postponed if there is a LIMIT, or if root->tuple_fraction shows that
+  * partial evaluation of the query is possible (if neither is true, we expect
+  * to have to evaluate the expressions for every row anyway), or if there are
+  * any volatile expressions (since once we've put in a projection at all,
+  * it won't cost any more to postpone more stuff).
+  *
+  * Another issue that could potentially be considered here is that
+  * evaluating tlist expressions could result in data that's either wider
+  * or narrower than the input Vars, thus changing the volume of data that
+  * has to go through the Sort.  However, we usually have only a very bad
+  * idea of the output width of any expression more complex than a Var,
+  * so for now it seems too risky to try to optimize on that basis.
+  *
+  * Note that if we do produce a modified sort-input target, and then the
+  * query ends up not using an explicit Sort, no particular harm is done:
+  * we'll initially use the modified target for the preceding path nodes,
+  * but then change them to the final target with apply_projection_to_path.
+  * Moreover, in such a case the guarantees about evaluation order of
+  * volatile functions still hold, since the rows are sorted already.
+  *
+  * This function has some things in common with make_group_input_target and
+  * make_window_input_target, though the detailed rules for what to do are
+  * different.  We never flatten/postpone any grouping or ordering columns;
+  * those are needed before the sort.  If we do flatten a particular
+  * expression, we leave Aggref and WindowFunc nodes alone, since those were
+  * computed earlier.
+  *
+  * 'final_target' is the query's final target list (in PathTarget form)
+  *
+  * The result is the PathTarget to be computed by the plan node immediately
+  * below the Sort step (and the Distinct step, if any).  This will be
+  * exactly final_target if we decide a projection step wouldn't be helpful.
+  */
+ static PathTarget *
+ make_sort_input_target(PlannerInfo *root,
+                        PathTarget *final_target)
+ {
+     Query       *parse = root->parse;
+     PathTarget *input_target;
+     int            ncols;
+     bool       *postpone_col;
+     bool        have_volatile;
+     bool        have_expensive;
+     List       *flattenable_cols;
+     List       *flattenable_vars;
+     int            i;
+     ListCell   *lc;
+     /* Shouldn't get here unless query has ORDER BY */
+     Assert(parse->sortClause);
+     /* Inspect tlist and collect per-column information */
+     ncols = list_length(final_target->exprs);
+     postpone_col = (bool *) palloc0(ncols * sizeof(bool));
+     have_volatile = have_expensive = false;
+     i = 0;
+     foreach(lc, final_target->exprs)
+     {
+         Expr       *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(lc);
+         /*
+          * If the column has a sortgroupref, assume it has to be evaluated
+          * before sorting.  Generally such columns would be ORDER BY, GROUP
+          * BY, etc targets.  One exception is columns that were removed from
+          * GROUP BY by remove_useless_groupby_columns() ... but those would
+          * only be Vars anyway.
+          */
+         if (final_target->sortgrouprefs[i] == 0)
+         {
+             /*
+              * If it's volatile, that's an unconditional reason to postpone.
+              */
+             if (contain_volatile_functions((Node *) expr))
+             {
+                 postpone_col[i] = true;
+                 have_volatile = true;
+             }
+             else
+             {
+                 /*
+                  * Else check the cost.  XXX it's annoying to have to do this
+                  * when set_pathtarget_cost_width() just did it.  Refactor to
+                  * allow sharing the work?
+                  */
+                 QualCost    cost;
+                 cost_qual_eval_node(&cost, (Node *) expr, root);
+                 /*
+                  * We arbitrarily define "expensive" as "more than 10X
+                  * cpu_operator_cost".  Note this will take in any PL function
+                  * with default cost.
+                  */
+                 if (cost.per_tuple >= 10 * cpu_operator_cost)
+                 {
+                     postpone_col[i] = true;
+                     have_expensive = true;
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+         i++;
+     }
+     /*
+      * If we don't need a post-sort projection, just return final_target.
+      */
+     if (!(have_volatile ||
+           (have_expensive &&
+            (parse->limitCount || root->tuple_fraction > 0))))
+         return final_target;
+     /*
+      * Otherwise, construct the sort-input target, taking all non-postponable
+      * columns and then adding Vars, PlaceHolderVars, Aggrefs, and WindowFuncs
+      * found in the postponable ones.  XXX define a create_empty_pathtarget()
+      */
+     input_target = palloc0(sizeof(PathTarget));
+     flattenable_cols = NIL;
+     i = 0;
+     foreach(lc, final_target->exprs)
+     {
+         Expr       *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(lc);
+         if (postpone_col[i])
+         {
+             flattenable_cols = lappend(flattenable_cols, expr);
+         }
+         else
+         {
+             add_column_to_pathtarget(input_target, expr,
+                                      final_target->sortgrouprefs[i]);
+         }
+         i++;
+     }
+     /*
+      * Pull out all the Vars and Aggrefs mentioned in flattenable columns, and
+      * add them to the result tlist if not already present.  (Some might be
+      * there already because they're used directly as window/group clauses.)
+      *
+      * Note: it's essential to use PVC_INCLUDE_AGGREGATES here, so that the
+      * Aggrefs are placed in the Agg node's tlist and not left to be computed
+      * at higher levels.
+      *
+      * XXX need to extend pull_var_clause to handle windowfuncs specially.
+      */
+     flattenable_vars = pull_var_clause((Node *) flattenable_cols,
+                                        PVC_INCLUDE_AGGREGATES,
+                                        PVC_INCLUDE_PLACEHOLDERS);
+     foreach(lc, flattenable_vars)
+     {
+         Expr       *expr = (Expr *) lfirst(lc);
+         if (!list_member(input_target->exprs, expr))
+             add_column_to_pathtarget(input_target, expr, 0);
+     }
+     /* clean up cruft */
+     list_free(flattenable_vars);
+     list_free(flattenable_cols);
+     /* XXX this represents even more redundant cost calculation ... */
+     return set_pathtarget_cost_width(root, input_target);
+ }
+ /*
   * get_cheapest_fractional_path
   *      Find the cheapest path for retrieving a specified fraction of all
   *      the tuples expected to be returned by the given relation.

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