Well, just to start throwing ideas around;
- Moving data; originally we'd looked at exporting from the cms into the filesystem, and having script that did a cvs
add/remove/commitover the entire tree, into the main web CVS. This is still preferrable from an 'ease of rebuilding'
pointof view, but might be easier just to rsync the content from the filesystem of the cms machine to wwwmaster.
- Data format; pages should probably be in our standard template-style XML.
- Navigation; Gevik was working on a tree-style thingy in PHP. Perhaps the CMS could export an XML file describing the
navigationtree, which the PHP handler on the main website could use to generate it's treeview in dynamic mode. By
acceptingsome sort of pointer to the currently selected node as a GET value, we should be able to make the tree fully
-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-www-owner@postgresql.org on behalf of Josh Berkus
Sent: Fri 12/2/2005 11:28 PM
To: pgsql-www@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [pgsql-www] Integration Requirements WAS: Launching PostgreSQL KB Project Mark 2
While we discuss on the *other list* the business requirements for a
Postgres KB, it would be really helpful to get together on *this* list a
document giving the requirements for projects to be incorporated into the
PostgreSQL.org web infrastructure. Such a document would be very helpful,
as well, to others wanting to add things to the web site.
Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend