> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Treat [mailto:xzilla@users.sourceforge.net]
> Sent: 14 January 2005 14:38
> To: Dave Page
> Cc: Peter Eisentraut; Michael Glaesemann; David Fetter;
> PostgreSQL WWW Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [pgsql-www] font size
> Well this goes back to your statement on the survey being
> hidden rather than
> being on the front page. Or maybe the font size is still so
> small people
> can't actually see the survey in thier browsers ;-)
The could well be the case. OK, seeing as I have yet to hear from the
very people I was waiting to hear from, I propose:
1) We replace the user quote on the front page with the survey.
2) The sub headings (H2 iirc) are made either darker, or a more
prominent color than the current grey.
3) After a couple of weeks or so, if the users request it we increase
the default font size a little. I think somewhere between the current
small and large sizes.
Opinions/yays or nays please - and just so there is no confusion,
majority rules!!
Regards, Dave.