In the interests of getting some decent stats for the 8.0 release, the 1
week release delay allowed me time to finish the code I previously
promised Josh to track all downloads through all mirrors. The result can
be seen at and is already linked
from the live site. Please take a minute to give it a whirl so we can
catch any hidden bugs before the 8.0 release (if there is anything
major, the old system can be easily reinstated, and is in fact still
linked from the main download page as an alternative option).
There are two minor outstanding issues:
1) It doesn't mirror too well just yet so is all running on wwwmaster.
Eventually I just want the final mirror selection pages and counters on
2) The sub navigation menu doesn't display, per my email last night. If
anyone can tell me what I've done wrong (or haven't done at all), I'd
appreciate it.
Just for interest, the first non-test download logged was RC5 of the
win32 PostgreSQL installer, from by someone in the
Philipines??!! (assuming the ip2country database is correct).
Regards, Dave