I got a bit stuck...
I was looking for a solution for option a)
Maybe I'll first explain the situation a bit more:
I have one database for patient registration
Another one for image storage
And a third one for book keeping
A patient should be registered first before the images are stored, so if there is a new line in the second database
withan id which does not exist yet, it has to be notified in the book keeping database.
Now the questions:1) Can I do this with the inner join (tables subject_id from DB1, pat_id from DB2), there it is two
differentdatabases 2) Once it is notified in the book keeping that is not registered yet, is it best to poll on this
columnto send a warning, or use a trigger??
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Sargent [mailto:robjsargent@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 3:38 AM
To: Denis BUCHER
Cc: Jan Verheyden; 'pgsql-sql@postgresql.org'
Subject: Re: [SQL] mail alert
Denis BUCHER wrote:
> Hello,
> Jan Verheyden a écrit :
>> I was looking in what way it’s possible to alert via mail when some
>> conditions are true in a database.
> a) If the alert is not "very urgent" i.e. you can alter some minutes
> later I would do it like this :
> 1. Create a function that returns what you need, most importantly if the
> conditions are met
> 2. Create a script that does something like "SELECT * FROM function()..."
> b) If the email should be sent immediately, you could create a perl
> function in the database, launched by a TRIGGER and launching an
> "external" script...
> Therefore, first you have to know the requirements...
> Denis
see "check_postgres" for nagios-style monitoring
see \o /tmp/alert_data_file
and \! mailx -s "alert" me@work.com /tmp/alert_data_file