On 2019-Sep-10, Thomas Munro wrote:
> Here's a quick rebase. It needs testing, review and (probably)
> adjustment from AIX users. I'm not going to be able to do anything
> with it on my own due to lack of access, though I'm happy to help get
> this committed eventually. If we don't get any traction in this CF,
> I'll withdraw this submission for now. For consistency, I think we
> should eventually also do the same thing for Linux when using sysv
> (it's pretty similar, it just uses different flag names; it may also
> be necessary to query the page size and round up the requested size,
> on one or both of those OSes; I'm not sure).
Tony, Sylvie, any chance for some testing on this patch? It seems that
without that, this patch is going to waste.
If I don't hear from anyone on September 30, I'm going to close this as
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Álvaro Herrera
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