Joshua D. Drake wrote:
>> Question 1 is wrong, because Npgsql is no commercial .NET data provider.
>> That's the main advantage: it is open source.
> This is actually a misconception. Open Source doesn't disqualify it as
> commercial. It disqualifies it as proprietary. I can make money
> providing consulting for Npgsql, that makes it commercial or at least
> the opportunity for it to be commercial.
> Not to be pedantic but let's be accurate with our data. We are database
> people after all :)
Thank you for the correction.
Although I'd say that the fact that you can make money by consulting
for something does not make it commercial software. Maybe I'm wrong.
But it is of course possible to forbid people to use your open source
software unless they pay for it, which would make it commercial
in my eyes.
This is getting off topic, sorry.
Laurenz Albe