On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 3:02 AM, Tomas Vondra <tv@fuzzy.cz> wrote:
6) It does not compile - I do get a bunch of errors like this
7) Once fixed, it seems to work
CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm ; CREATE TABLE TEST (val TEXT); INSERT INTO test SELECT md5(i::text) FROM generate_series(1,1000000) s(i); CREATE INDEX trgm_idx ON test USING gin (val gin_trgm_ops); ANALYZE test;
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM test WHERE val ~ '.*qqq.*';
QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on test (cost=16.77..385.16 rows=100 width=33) Recheck Cond: (val ~ '.*qqq.*'::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on trgm_idx (cost=0.00..16.75 rows=100 width=0) Index Cond: (val ~ '.*qqq.*'::text) (4 rows)
but I do get a bunch of NOTICE messages with debugging info (no matter if the GIN index is used or not, so it's somewhere in the common regexp code). But I guess that's due to WIP status.
It's due to TRGM_REGEXP_DEBUG macro. I disabled it by default. But I think pieces of code hidden by that macro could be useful for debug even after WIP status.