On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 4:17 PM Jobin Augustine <jobinau@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a way out if someone accidentally executes the same test case against PG12?
> testdb=# create table partitioned (a int, b int)
> testdb-# partition by list ((row(a, b)::partitioned));
> testdb=# DROP TABLE partitioned;
> ERROR: cache lookup failed for type 18269
AFAICT this is only a side effect of that particular use case if you
try to drop it without having a relcache entry. Do any access before
dropping it and it should be fine, for instance:
rjuju=# create table partitioned (a int, b int)
rjuju-# partition by list ((row(a, b)::partitioned));
rjuju=# DROP TABLE partitioned;
ERROR: cache lookup failed for type 144845
rjuju=# \d partitioned
Partitioned table "public.partitioned"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
a | integer | | |
b | integer | | |
Partition key: LIST ((ROW(a, b)::partitioned))
Number of partitions: 0
rjuju=# DROP TABLE partitioned;