On Wednesday, January 2, 2013, John R Pierce wrote:
On 1/2/2013 7:45 PM, Craig Ringer wrote:
You really need to put a connection pool in place to limit the number of
concurrent workers. Look at PgBouncer or PgPool-II. As far as I know
neither of them runs on Windows; you might want to think about a Linux
box as a front-end.
2nd and 3rd the emotion.
of course, a pooler only works right if the client applications are modified to open a connection, do a transaction, and close the connection. if the clients continue to hold idle connections, the pooler won't do anything useful for you.
If you can get away with pooling at the transaction level rather than the session level, then you should still get a benefit even if the connections are persistent. (If each of the 500 connections is as connected as a different PG role, you wouldn't get a benefit from transaction pooling, but in that case you probably wouldn't get a benefit from session pooling, either.)