On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Abhijit Menon-Sen <ams@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
This is a cleaned-up and rebased version of the bitmap index patch from Gavin Sherry, later revised by Gianni Ciolli and Gabriele Bartolini, and others including Daniel Bausch.
I've been working on this patch for a while, and have made some progress towards (a) general fixing, and (b) a working VACUUM implementation (the major remaining piece). Unfortunately, I've been busy moving house, and the latter is not complete (and not in this patch).
I will continue working on the code, and I'll post updates. I expect to have more to show in just a few days.
Nevertheless, I'm posting it for review now as I keep working. Given the size and age of the patch, I would appreciate any comments, no matter how nitpicky.
Hi Abhijit,
I get wrong answers from this index sometimes. It seems to occur when the position of the column within the index is not the same as its position within the table. So I think that what is happening is somewhere the offset into the list of table columns is misused to offset into the list of index columns.
I didn't see any XXX notes that indicate this is a known problem.