It specifies that entries are created by ANALYZE, but does not mention
that if a table is empty the entry for it is not created. Probably it
is worth to add to the docs. The test case is below.
grayhemp@[local]:5432 test=#create table t1 (i integer);CREATE
TABLEgrayhemp@[local]:5432 test=#select stanullfrac, stawidth from
pg_statistic where starelid = 't1'::regclass; stanullfrac | stawidth
-------------+----------(0 rows)
grayhemp@[local]:5432 test=#analyze t1;ANALYZEgrayhemp@[local]:5432
test=#select stanullfrac, stawidth from pg_statistic where starelid =
't1'::regclass; stanullfrac | stawidth -------------+----------(0
grayhemp@[local]:5432 test=#insert into t1 values (1);INSERT 0
1grayhemp@[local]:5432 test=#select stanullfrac, stawidth from
pg_statistic where starelid = 't1'::regclass; stanullfrac | stawidth
-------------+----------(0 rows)
grayhemp@[local]:5432 test=#analyze t1;ANALYZEgrayhemp@[local]:5432
test=#select stanullfrac, stawidth from pg_statistic where starelid =
't1'::regclass; stanullfrac | stawidth -------------+----------
0 | 4(1 row)
Sergey Konoplev
Blog: http://gray-hemp.blogspot.com
LinkedIn: http://ru.linkedin.com/in/grayhemp
JID/GTalk: gray.ru@gmail.com Skype: gray-hemp