> To reproduce:
> $ createdb foo
> $ psql foo -c "create table bar(i int generated by default as identity
> primary key);"
> $ pg_dump foo --exclude-table=bar
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)
This crashes during dumpSequence() when the owning_tab's attnames are
accessed. This array is NULL since we didn't populate it in
getTableAttrs due to the table being !interesting.
I think the fix depends exactly on what we want the behaviour to be
here. Should dumpSequence() still dump out a CREATE SEQUENCE
statement for this, or should we just ignore the sequence? I imagine
we should just ignore identity sequences when we're not going to dump
the table that owns them. It looks like that would require a small
modification in getOwnedSeqs(). Otherwise we'd need something like
the attached to still dump out the CREATE SEQUENCE.
David Rowley http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
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