Anything I should be doing differently here to get a bit of reviewer/committer time on these? I'll add them to the commitfest for next month if needed but I'm seeing quick patches going in every week and the batch format done at the beginning of the month got processed through without issue.
I was hoping for Workflow A especially as I acquit myself more than adequately on the "How do you get someone to respond to you?" items.
I was going to chalk it up to bad timing but the volume of doc patches this month hasn't really dipped even with the couple of bad bugs being worked on.
Pending discussion of alternate presentation of transaction sequence; if not favorable, I can just go with a simple factual fix of the mistake in v0001 (see this thread).
v0001-on-conflict-excluded-is-name-not-table (-docs, figured out while trying to improve the docs to reduce user confusion in this area)