On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 11:44 AM, Stephen Frost [via PostgreSQL] <[hidden email]> wrote:
It would be great to figure out a way to get feedback like this earlier on in the development. This patch has been floating around for quite a while, with intentional breaks for feedback taken prior to incremental improvements and documentation additions. Clearly that gets back to the discussion around the commitfest situation.
There four possible situations here:
Seen, agreeable
Seen, not agreeable
Seen, abstain
Not Seen
Tracking, for the committers in particular, the not seen and directly soliciting their agree/disagree/abstain opinion is really the only way to avoid this situation where Tom probably saw the subject lines but ended up filtering them out since his focus was elsewhere. However, something getting committed definitely gets his attention.
FWIW my initial reaction to this idea of introducing bitmaps was "why?" but I didn't have anything to go on but the feeling that bitmaps are not the most obvious API in modern coding. I didn't have anything else to support that, including coding experience, so I didn't voice it and figured when no one else did that I likely was missing something. I'm not sure how an email to Tom saying: "hey, this doesn't smell right to me" would have been taken but changing the underlying authorization mechanisms does seem like something Tom should comment on before development gets to far along - and that input should be prompted for if not seen.
That's my current feeling as strictly a monitor of these lists and observing a subset of the threads and new features that are being currently developed - take it as you will.