The operator @>(anyarray, anyelement) is now functional
The segmentation fault was due to applying PG_FREE_IF_COPY on a datum when it should only be applied on TOASTed inputs
The only problem now is if for example you apply the operator as follows '{AAAAAAAAAA646'}' @> 'AAAAAAAAAA646' it maps to @>(anyarray, anyarray) since 'AAAAAAAAAA646' is interpreted as char[] instead of Text
Added some regression tests (src/test/regress/sql/arrays.sql) and their results(src/test/regress/expected/arrays.out)
wokred on the new GIN strategy, I don't think it would vary much from GinContainsStrategy.
What I plan to do:
I need to start working on the Referential Integrity code but I don't where to start