Re: DR setup in RHOS - Mailing list pgsql-admin

From Rajesh Kumar
Subject Re: DR setup in RHOS
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: DR setup in RHOS  (Muhammad Waqas <>)
Responses Re: DR setup in RHOS
List pgsql-admin

We are already using  patroni.

On Tue, 30 Jul 2024, 18:03 Muhammad Waqas, <> wrote:
Please read Stream replication and repmgr tool

Muhammad Waqas

2024년 7월 27일 (토) 오후 6:33, Joe Conway <>님이 작성:
On 7/27/24 04:34, Rajesh Kumar wrote:
>     We are already using patroni.  With the postgres operator, we have
>     pgbouncer, pgbackrest and 2 nodes for postgres.
>     If we want to perform the same as DR setup , how do I replicate
>     pgbouncer, pgbackrest and  postgres ?

>     What configuration changes I have to make in pgbouncer, pgbackrest,
>     patroni and postgres? Some hint or idea on this if not in detail?

>             We have one master and one replica(15.6) postgres in primary
>             datacenter on platform openshift version 4.14.
>             We are looking for DR set up , for postgres in another
>             datacenter in RHOS running on Hyper converged infrastructure
>             fusion.
>             Kindly help me with som points

This is likely too complex an ask for a mailing list. My recommendation
is that you get help from a company that knows well how to run
PostgreSQL on Openshift. For example:

Joe Conway
PostgreSQL Contributors Team
RDS Open Source Databases
Amazon Web Services:

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Subject: Re: Migration from CentOS7 to RHEL red hat Linux
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