On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 2:12 AM, Oleg Bartunov <obartunov@gmail.com> wrote:
> AFAIK, XC/XL has already some customers and that is an additional pressure
> on their development team, which is now called X2. I don't exactly know how
> internal Huawei's MPPDB is connected to XC/XL.
Huawei's MPPDB is based on PG-XC and tailored it more targeting OLAP scenarios.
The basic idea is that OLAP needs a shared nothing scale out
architecture for read and write. It needs ok-TP-performance, a
restricted set of functionality, and thus avoids some problems like
GTM being a central scaling bottleneck.
I advocate to merge PostgreSQL core with scale-out features, if we are
ready to face some long time functional discrepancies between the two