Hi, Jeff!
Sorry for being late. Actually, I had several unsuccessful attempts to
find something wrong with the patch.
Here's my review.
in pathkey.c
ecs = (EquivalenceClass **) palloc(nClauses * sizeof(EquivalenceClass *));
scores = (int *) palloc(nClauses * sizeof(int));
range_ecs = palloc(nClauses * sizeof(bool));
Third assignment has no cast.
And I have few questions:
1. Are there any types, which could benefit from Range Merge and are
not covered by this patch?
2. Can Range Merge handle merge of different ranges? Like int4range()
&& int8range() ?
My perf test script from the previous message was broken, here's fixed
one in the attachment.
This patch implements feature, contains new tests and passes old
tests, is documented and spec compliant. I do not see any reason why
not mark it "Ready for committer".
Best regards, Andrey Borodin.
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