> "The function timezone(zone, timestamp) is equivalent to the SQL-conforming construct timestamp AT TIME ZONE zone."
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/17/functions-datetime.html#FUNCTIONS-DATETIME-ZONECONVERT
> Documentation seems to think it is.
I don't see any mention of the standard. As I understand the
documentation merely says that timezone() corresponds to the AT TIME
ZONE SQL-syntax. Whether the syntax is standard or not is not clear.
Maybe it *is* in the standard but I don't have the right volume and/or
my copy is outdated (it's 2016). Closest thing I could find is section
"4.6.2 Datetimes" of the document "ISO-IEC 9075-2 Foundation" (~1700
pages). I couldn't find any mention of AT TIME ZONE (or timezone()
function) in this or any other documents I have.
In any case the question if AT TIME ZONE is a standard syntax or not
doesn't seem to be particularly relevant in the context of this bug
Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev