Fwd: pgadmin3 1.6.1 build problem on PC-BSD 9.1 x64 - Mailing list pgadmin-support

From Юрий Ластов
Subject Fwd: pgadmin3 1.6.1 build problem on PC-BSD 9.1 x64
Msg-id CAJ52sWkHXgVBcLBDoHv8oUixEOpub6Hx=3sFZkjz-mZWwfmSzg@mail.gmail.com
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List pgadmin-support
<div dir="ltr"><b>The version of pgAdmin you are running. If it is a development snapshot, please include the build
datefrom the Help -> About screen, and GIT repository version if known.</b><br /><div class="gmail_quote"><div
dir="ltr"><br/>I've got source from git:<br /> commit 53b6a09ac59e646b4c772ead3c42ab65dcc84929<br />Author: Guillaume
Lelarge<br/>Date:   Mon Dec 24 14:02:13 2012 +0100<br /><br /><b>The configure options used (if compiled from source)
</b><br/><br />PostgreSQL directory:                   /usr/local<br /> PostgreSQL pg_config binary:          
 /usr/local/bin/pg_config<br/>PostgreSQL version:                     PostgreSQL 9.0.11<br /><br />PostgreSQL
PQconninfoParsesupport:     Present<br />PostgreSQL SSL support:                 Present<br /><br />wxWidgets
directory:                   /usr/local<br />wxWidgets wx-config binary:             /usr/local/bin/wx-config<br
/>wxWidgetsversion:                      wxWidgets 2.8.12<br /><br />libxml2 directory:                    
 /usr/local<br/> libxml2 xml2-config binary:             /usr/local/bin/xml2-config<br />libxml2 version:              
        libxml2 2.7.8<br /><br />libxslt directory:                      /usr/local<br />libxslt xslt-config binary:  
         /usr/local/bin/xslt-config<br /> libxslt version:                        libxslt 1.1.26<br /><br />Building
DatabaseDesigner:             No<br /><br />Building a debug version of pgAdmin:    No<br />Statically linking pgAdmin:
           No<br />Building a Mac OS X appbundle:          No<br /><br />sphinx-build executable:              
 /usr/local/bin/sphinx-build<br/><br /><b>The operating system and version details - e.g. Windows XP Pro, SP2, or
SlackwareLinux 10, kernel 2.4.21</b><br /><br />PC-BSD 9.1 Isotope Edition x64<br /><br /><b>The wxWidgets version and
configureoptions used (if compiled from source)</b><br /><br />wxWidgets 2.8.12<br />Configured wxWidgets 2.8.12 for
`x86_64-unknown-freebsd9.1'<br/><br />  Which GUI toolkit should wxWidgets use?                 GTK+ 2<br />   Should
wxWidgetsbe compiled into single library?       no<br />  Should wxWidgets be compiled in debug mode?             no<br
/> Should wxWidgets be linked as a shared library?         yes<br />  Should wxWidgets be compiled in Unicode mode?    
     yes<br />   What level of wxWidgets compatibility should be enabled?<br />                                     
 wxWidgets2.4      no<br />                                       wxWidgets 2.6      yes<br />  Which libraries should
wxWidgetsuse?<br />                                        jpeg               builtin<br />                           
          png                builtin<br />                                       regex              builtin<br />     
                                tiff               builtin<br />                                        zlib          
   sys<br />                                       odbc               no<br />                                     
 expat             builtin<br />                                       libmspack          no<br />                    
                  sdl                no<br /><br /><b>The PostgreSQL version and configure options used (if compiled
fromsource)</b><br /><br />I didn't install PostgreSQL on my system<br /><br /><b>Steps required to reproduce the
problem.Please include a simple scheme with optional data if required. This may be sent privately upon request from a
developerif you are concerned about posting sample code or data to a public mailing list.<br /></b><br
/><i>[ishayahu@pcbsd-8463~/git_source/pgadmin3]% bash bootstrap</i><br /><i>[ishayahu@pcbsd-8463
~/git_source/pgadmin3]%./configure</i><br /><i>[ishayahu@pcbsd-8463] /usr/home/ishayahu/git_source/pgadmin3# make -v ;
makeinstall </i><br /> cd ./docs/en_US && make -f Makefile.sphinx SPHINXBUILD=/usr/local/bin/sphinx-build
htmlhelp<br/>/usr/local/bin/sphinx-build -b htmlhelp -d _build/doctrees   . _build/htmlhelp<br />Running Sphinx
v1.1.3<br/>loading pickled environment... done<br /> building [htmlhelp]: targets for 0 source files that are out of
date<br/>updating environment: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 removed<br />looking for now-outdated files... none found<br />no
targetsare out of date.<br /><br />Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the .hhp project file in
_build/htmlhelp.<br/> make  all-recursive<br />Making all in xtra/png2c<br />Making all in branding<br />Making all in
i18n<br/>Making all in plugins.d<br />Making all in pgadmin<br />Error expanding embedded variable.<br />***
[all-recursive]Error code 1<br /><br />Stop in /usr/home/ishayahu/git_source/pgadmin3.<br />*** [all] Error code 1<br
/><br/>Stop in /usr/home/ishayahu/git_source/pgadmin3.<br />Making install in xtra/png2c<br /> ../../config/install-sh
-c-d '/usr/local/pgadmin3/bin'<br />   /usr/bin/install -c png2c '/usr/local/pgadmin3/bin'<br />Making install in
branding<br/>/bin/sh /usr/home/ishayahu/git_source/pgadmin3/config/install-sh -d
/usr/local/pgadmin3/share/pgadmin3/branding<br/>/bin/sh /usr/home/ishayahu/git_source/pgadmin3/config/install-sh -c -m
644./branding.ini /usr/local/pgadmin3/share/pgadmin3/branding<br /> Making install in i18n<br />/bin/sh
/usr/home/ishayahu/git_source/pgadmin3/config/install-sh-d /usr/local/pgadmin3/share/pgadmin3/i18n<br />/bin/sh
/usr/home/ishayahu/git_source/pgadmin3/config/install-sh-c -m 644 ./pgadmin3.lng
/usr/local/pgadmin3/share/pgadmin3/i18n/$DIR<br/> /bin/sh /usr/home/ishayahu/git_source/pgadmin3/config/install-sh -c
-m644 ./pg_settings.csv /usr/local/pgadmin3/share/pgadmin3/i18n/$DIR<br />/bin/sh
/usr/home/ishayahu/git_source/pgadmin3/config/install-sh-c -m 644 ./wxstd.mo
/usr/local/pgadmin3/share/pgadmin3/i18n/$DIR<br/> Making install in plugins.d<br />/bin/sh
/usr/home/ishayahu/git_source/pgadmin3/config/install-sh-d /usr/local/pgadmin3/share/pgadmin3/plugins.d<br />/bin/sh
/usr/home/ishayahu/git_source/pgadmin3/config/install-sh-c -m 644 ./plugins.ini
/usr/local/pgadmin3/share/pgadmin3/plugins.d<br/> Making install in pgadmin<br />Error expanding embedded variable.<br
/>***[install-recursive] Error code 1<br /><br />Stop in /usr/home/ishayahu/git_source/pgadmin3.<br /><br /><br />--<br
/><br/>С уважением,<br />Ишаяу Ластов</div></div></div> 

pgadmin-support by date:

From: Evan Martin
Subject: Re: See full query text in Server Status window
From: Dave Page
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