On Tue, 26 Nov 2024 at 21:48, Sergey Prokhorenko <sergeyprokhorenko@yahoo.com.au> wrote: > gen_uuidv7() is OK I'd very much prefer to not have a gen_ or get_ prefix as argued before[1][2]. My vote is still for simply uuidv7() and uuidv4() > uuid-ossp is outdated, slow and not supported by the author. UUIDv7 is the renaissance of UUIDs. So we should not dependon legacy technology names agreed [1]: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAGECzQQ%3D38bVUR%3DLZ6vmBCEjaDfOOoQa%2BygFJ1mCG_H2jsC90Q%40mail.gmail.com [2]: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/CAGECzQS%3DEjfLxdX89N95tHFGXS4m1aj2V_%2BxrJppBohgaKQhtQ%40mail.gmail.com#a3f72c5e74537046f58049f58f4fffe4
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