I have created the following tables,
Create table abc (srno int, name varchar(32))
Create table def (srno int, name varchar(32))
srno name
1 Aaaa
2 Bbbb
srno name
1 Aaaa
2 Cccc
each having two tuples.
If I run the following query I get the following result.
(Select name from abc) intersect (select name from def)
Srno Name
1 Aaaa
If I run the following query I get the following result.
(Select name from abc) intersect all (select name from def)
Srno Name
1 Aaaa
I think result of INTERSECT ALL query may be :
Srno Name
1 Aaaa
1 Aaaa
Because intersect all clause returns the duplicate values.
Please tell me I am wrong or correct.
Thank you in anticipation.
Ajit Pradnyavant.
Phone No. 7385758326