Now the patch looks good to me. However when I try to restore your own sql file's dump, I get following errors:
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: relation "public.emp" does not exist Command was: DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS emp_insert_trigger ON public.emp;
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR: schema "myschema" does not exist Command was: DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS myschema.int_to_date(integer);
Also, I didn't quite understand these lines of comments:
/* * Descriptor string (te-desc) should not be same as object * specifier for DROP STATEMENT. The DROP DEFAULT has not * IF EXISTS clause - has not sense. */
Will you please rephrase ?
I can try it - .
A content of te->desc is usually substring of DROP STATEMENT with one related exception - CONSTRAINT.
Independent to previous sentence - ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN DROP DEFAULT doesn't support IF EXISTS - and therefore it should not be injected.
is it ok?
Jeevan B Chalke Principal Software Engineer, Product Development EnterpriseDB Corporation The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company