I am checking last patch, and there are notices
1. disable_session_start_trigger should be SU_BACKEND instead SUSET
2. The documentation should be enhanced - there is not any note about behave when there are unhandled exceptions, about motivation for this event trigger
3. regress tests should be enhanced - the cases with exceptions are not tested
4. This trigger is not executed again after RESET ALL or DISCARD ALL - it can be a problem if somebody wants to use this trigger for initialisation of some session objects with some pooling solutions.
5. The handling errors don't work well for canceling. If event trigger waits for some event, then cancel disallow connect although connected user is superuser
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION on_login_proc2() RETURNS EVENT_TRIGGER AS $$ begin perform pg_sleep(10000); raise notice '%', fx1(100);raise notice 'kuku kuku'; end $$ language plpgsql;
probably nobody will use pg_sleep in this routine, but there can be wait on some locks ...