On 2020-Aug-25, Ranier Vilela wrote:
> If the variable hscan->rs_cblock is InvalidBlockNumber the test can
> protect root_offsets fail.
When does that happen?
At first pass into the while loop?
hscan->rs_cblock is InvalidBlockNumber, what happens?
Other things.
1. Even heap_get_root_tuples at line 1347, be called.
Does it fill all roots_offsets?
root_offsets[offnum - 1] is secure at this point (line 1641 or is trash)?
2. hscan->rs_cbuf is constant?
if (hscan->rs_cblock != root_blkno)
Page page = BufferGetPage(hscan->rs_cbuf);
LockBuffer(hscan->rs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);
heap_get_root_tuples(page, root_offsets);
LockBuffer(hscan->rs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK);
root_blkno = hscan->rs_cblock;
This can move outside while loop?
Am I wrong or hscan do not change?
Ranier Vilela