Re: improve DEBUG1 logging of parallel workers for CREATE INDEX? - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Guillaume Lelarge
Subject Re: improve DEBUG1 logging of parallel workers for CREATE INDEX?
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: improve DEBUG1 logging of parallel workers for CREATE INDEX?  (Tom Lane <>)
List pgsql-hackers
Le mer. 8 janv. 2025 à 21:35, Tom Lane <> a écrit :
Guillaume Lelarge <> writes:
> I tend to agree it might be better than Benoit's patch on the index
> messages, though I'm afraid that DEBUG1 level won't work for many users.
> DEBUGx are for developers, not users. A better log level for me would be
> LOG.

Please, no.  That would result in spamming the postmaster log
for perfectly ordinary actions, with no usable way to prevent it.

Not sure why I was thinking it would only go to the client. You're right, it will also go to the logs, and it will be stored by default, which would be bad. Sorry about this...
I think DEBUG is perfectly appropriate for this sort of message.

Still think DEBUG level is pretty bad for a user experience. Anyway, I much prefer a DEBUG message than no message at all :)


pgsql-hackers by date:

From: Sami Imseih
Subject: Re: improve DEBUG1 logging of parallel workers for CREATE INDEX?
From: Guillaume Lelarge
Subject: Re: improve DEBUG1 logging of parallel workers for CREATE INDEX?