Re: improve DEBUG1 logging of parallel workers for CREATE INDEX? - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Tom Lane
Subject Re: improve DEBUG1 logging of parallel workers for CREATE INDEX?
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: improve DEBUG1 logging of parallel workers for CREATE INDEX?  (Guillaume Lelarge <>)
Responses Re: improve DEBUG1 logging of parallel workers for CREATE INDEX?
Re: improve DEBUG1 logging of parallel workers for CREATE INDEX?
List pgsql-hackers
Guillaume Lelarge <> writes:
> I tend to agree it might be better than Benoit's patch on the index
> messages, though I'm afraid that DEBUG1 level won't work for many users.
> DEBUGx are for developers, not users. A better log level for me would be
> LOG.

Please, no.  That would result in spamming the postmaster log
for perfectly ordinary actions, with no usable way to prevent it.

I think DEBUG is perfectly appropriate for this sort of message.

            regards, tom lane

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