On Sun, Oct 13, 2019 at 04:52:05PM -0400, Corey Huinker wrote: > 1. It's obviously incomplete. There are more terms, a lot more, to add.
How did you come up with the initial list of terms ?
1. I asked some newer database people to come up with a list of terms that they used.
2. I then added some more terms that seemed obvious given that first list.
3. That combined list was long on general database concepts and theory, and short on administration concepts
4. Then Jürgen suggested that we integrate his working list of terms, very much focused on internals, so I did that.
5. Everything after that was applying suggested edits and new terms.
Here's some ideas; I'm *not* suggesting to include all of everything, but hopefully start with a coherent, self-contained list.
I don't think this list will ever be complete. It will always be a work in progress. I'd prefer to get the general structure of a glossary committed in the short term, and we're free to follow up with edits that focus on the wording.
Maybe also: object identifier operator classes operator family visibility map
Just so I can prioritize my work, which of these things, along with your suggestions in previous emails, would you say is a barrier to considering this ready for a committer?