Bug reference: 15158 Logged by: Brian K Email address: harvestmoon299@gmail.com PostgreSQL version: 10.3 Operating system: Windows Description:
in org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Connection on line 960, there is a javadoc comment that identifies the problem this way:
"Is the server we are connected to running at least this version? This comparison method will fail whenever a major or minor version goes to two digits (10.3.0) or (7.10.1). "
the method GetTransactionIsolation() calls this method in line 757 with the following code: if (haveMinimumServerVersion("7.3"))
This determines whether to run the query: "SHOW TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL" or the update: "SHOW TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL". The query returns appropriately, while the update throws the sql error: "This recordset is closed".
As expected, testing whether version 10.3 has a minimum server version of 7.3 yields "false". It looks to me that the calling code is expecting "true" for it to work with postgres 10.3.
I am encountering this error when I try to use postgres 10.3 as the datastore for a project created from the Apache Isis "SimpleApp" archetype.
Do you know why this issue is identified in the code but not dealt with?