Mailing lists [pgsql-bugs]
- Re: BUG #15152: Java heap size Dave Cramer
- Re: BUG #15158: JDBC driver has faulty comparison in method:haveMinimumServerVersion(String ver) Dave Cramer
- BUG #15168: "pg_isready -d" effectively ignores given database name PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #15168: "pg_isready -d" effectively ignores given database name David G. Johnston
- BUG #15169: create index CONCURRENTLY conflict with other table's COPY PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #15169: create index CONCURRENTLY conflict with other table's COPY Sergei Kornilov
- Re: BUG #15169: create index CONCURRENTLY conflict with othertable's COPY Andres Freund
- Re: BUG #15169: create index CONCURRENTLY conflict with other table's COPY David G. Johnston
- set/reset issues in create function and set_config Alexey Bashtanov
- BUG #15170: PQtransactionStatus returns ACTIVE after Empty Commit PG Bug reporting form
- BUG #15171: JDBC TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE PSQLException When UsingSubstitution Parameter PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #15168: "pg_isready -d" effectively ignores given databasename jake