Mailing lists [pgsql-bugs]
- LDAP authentication fails with concurrent create extensions Greg k
- power() function in Windows: "value out of range: underflow" Huong Dangminh
- power() function in Windows: "value out of range: underflow" Huong Dangminh
- Re: LDAP authentication fails with concurrent create extensions Stephen Frost
- Re: power() function in Windows: "value out of range: underflow" Euler Taveira
- Re: power() function in Windows: "value out of range: underflow" Euler Taveira
- BUG #15149: Invalid cache id = 42 PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #15149: Invalid cache id = 42 Tom Lane
- Wrong Results from SP-GiST with Collations Emre Hasegeli
- Re: Wrong Results from SP-GiST with Collations Peter Geoghegan
- Re: BUG #15144: *** glibc detected *** postgres: postgres smsconsole[local] SELECT: double free or corruption (!pre Peter Geoghegan