Re: 回复: An implementation of multi-key sort - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Yao Wang
Subject Re: 回复: An implementation of multi-key sort
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In response to Re: 回复: An implementation of multi-key sort  (John Naylor <>)
Responses Re: 回复: An implementation of multi-key sort
Re: 回复: An implementation of multi-key sort
Re: 回复: An implementation of multi-key sort
List pgsql-hackers
Hi John,

Thanks for your kind message. I talked to Heikki before getting Tomas's
response, and he said "no promise but I will take a look". That's why I
added his email. I have updated the CF entry and added Tomas as reviewer.

Hi Tomas,

Again, I'd say a big thank to you. The report and script are really, really
helpful. And your ideas are very valuable.

Firstly, the expectation of mksort performance:

1. When mksort works well, it should be faster than qsort because it saves
the cost of comparing duplicated values every time.
2. When all values are distinct at a particular column, the comparison
will finish immediately, and mksort will actually fall back to qsort. For
the case, mksort should be equal or a bit slower than qsort because it need
to maintain more complex state.

Generally, the benefit of mksort is mainly from duplicated values and sort
keys: the more duplicated values and sort keys are, the bigger benefit it

Analysis on the report in your previous mail

1. It seems the script uses $count to specify the duplicated values:

number of repetitions for each value (ndistinct = nrows/count)

However, it is not always correct. For type text, the script generates
values like this:

expr="md5(((i / $count) + random())::text)"

But md5() generates totally random values regardless of $count. Some cases
of timestamptz have the same problem.

For all distinct values, the sort will finish at first depth and fall to
qsort actually.

2. Even for the types with correct duplicated setting, the duplicated ratio
is very small: e.g. say $nrows = 10000 and $count = 100, only 1% duplicated
rows can go to depth 2, and only 0.01% of them can go to depth 3. So it still
works on nearly all distinct values.

3. Qsort of PG17 uses kind of specialization for tuple comparator, i.e. it
uses specialized functions for different types, e.g. qsort_tuple_unsigned()
for unsigned int. The specialized comparators avoid all type related checks
and are much faster than regular comparator. That is why we saw 200% or more
regression for the cases.

Code optimizations I did for mk qsort

1. Adapted specialization for tuple comparator.
2. Use kind of "hybrid" sort: when we actually adapt bubble sort due to
limited sort items, use bubble sort to check datums since specified depth.
3. Other other optimizations such as pre-ordered check.

Analysis on the new report

I also did some modifications to your script about the issues of data types,
plus an output about distinct value count/distinct ratio, and an indicator
for improvement/regression. I attached the new script and a report on a
data set with 100,000 rows and 2, 5, 8 columns.

1. Generally, the result match the expectation: "When mksort works well, it
should be faster than qsort; when mksort falls to qsort, it should be equal
or a bit slower than qsort."
2. For all values of "sequential" (except text type), mksort is a bit slower
than qsort because no actual sort is performed due to the "pre-ordered"
3. For int and bigint type, mksort became faster and faster when
there were more and more duplicated values and sort keys. Improvement of
the best cases is about 58% (line 333) and 57% (line 711).
4. For timestamptz type, mksort is a bit slower than qsort because the
distinct ratio is always 1 for almost all cases. I think more benefit is
available by increasing the duplicated values.
5. For text type, mksort is faster than qsort for all cases, and
improvement of the best case is about 160% (line 1510). It is the only
tested type in which specialization comparators are disabled.

Obviously, text has much better improvement than others. I suppose the cause
is about the specialisation comparators: for the types with them, the
comparing is too faster so the cost saved by mksort is not significant. Only
when saved cost became big enough, mksort can defeat qsort.

For other types without specialisation comparators, mksort can defeat
qsort completely. It is the "real" performance of mksort.

Answers for some other questions you mentioned

Q1: Why are almost all the cases that got better for a single-column sort?

A: mksort is enabled only for multi column sort. When there is only one
column, qsort works. So we can simply ignore the cases.

Q2: Why did the perf become worse by just reversing the sort keys?

A: In the example we used, the sort keys are ordered from more duplicated
to less. Please see the SQL:

update t1 set c2 = c1 % 100, c3 = c1 % 50, c4 = c1 % 10, c5 = c1 % 3;
update t1 set c6 = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb'
|| (c1 % 5)::text;

So c6 has most duplicated values, c5 has less, and so on. By the order
"C6, c5, c4, ...", mksort can take effect on every sort key.

By the reverse order "c2, c3, c4...", mksort almost finished on first
sort key (c2) because it has only 1% duplicated values, and fell back
to qsort actually.

Based on the new code, I reran the example, and got about 141% improvement
for order "c6, c5, c4...", and about -4% regression for order
"c2, c3, c4...".

Q3: Does mksort work effectively only for particular type, e.g. string?

A: No, the implementation of mksort does not distinguish data type for
special handling. It just calls existing comparators which are also
used by qsort. I used long prefix for string just to enlarge the time
cost of comparing to amplify the result. The new report shows mksort
can work effectively on non-string types and string without long prefix.

Q4: Was the algorithm good for a hardware at that time, but the changes
(e.g. the growing important of on-CPU caches) made it less relevant?

A: As my understanding, the answer is no because the benefit of mksort
is from saving cost for duplicated comparison, which is not related to
hardware. I suppose the new report can prove it.

However, the hardware varying definitely affects the perf, especially
considering that the perf different between mksort and qsort is not so
big when mksort falls back to qsort. I am not able to test on a wide
range of hardwares, so any finding is appreciated.

Potential improvement spaces

I tried some other optimizations but didn't add the code finally because
the benefit is not very sure and/or the implementation is complex. Just
raise them for more discussion if necessary:

1. Use distinct stats info of table to enable mksort

It's kind of heuristics: in optimizer, check Form_pg_statistic->stadistinct
of a table via pg_statistics. Enable mksort only when it is less than a

The hacked code works, which need to modify a couple of interfaces of
optimizer. In addition, a complete solution should consider types and
distinct values of all columns, which might be too complex, and the benefit
seems not so big.

2. Cache of datum positions

e.g. for heap tuple, we need to extract datum position from SortTuple by
extract_heaptuple_from_sorttuple() for comparing, which is executed
for each datum. By comparison, qsort does it once for each tuple.
Theoretically we can create a cache to remember the datum positions to
avoid duplicated extracting.

The hacked code works, but the improvement seems limited. Not sure if more
improvement space is available.

3. Template mechanism

Qsort uses kind of template mechanism by macro (see sort_template.h), which
avoids cost of runtime type check. Theoretically template mechanism can be
applied to mksort, but I am hesitating because it will impose more complexity
and the code will become difficult to maintain.

Please let me know your opinion, thanks!

Yao Wang

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