Definitely have the questions from the previous email, but I CERTAINLY appreciate this output.
(Don't like the +, but pg_get_viewdef() creates the view the same way)...
Will psql doing \st pg_class be able to just call/output this so that the output is nice and clean?
At this point... I will keep pressing forward, cleaning things up. And then send a patch for others to play with....
(Probably bad timing with wrapping up V16)
select pg_get_tabledef('pg_class'::regclass);
CREATE TABLE pg_class (oid oid NOT NULL,+
relname name NOT NULL COLLATE "C", +
relnamespace oid NOT NULL, +
reltype oid NOT NULL, +
reloftype oid NOT NULL, +
relowner oid NOT NULL, +
relam oid NOT NULL, +
relfilenode oid NOT NULL, +
reltablespace oid NOT NULL, +
relpages integer NOT NULL, +
reltuples real NOT NULL, +
relallvisible integer NOT NULL, +
reltoastrelid oid NOT NULL, +
relhasindex boolean NOT NULL, +
relisshared boolean NOT NULL, +
relpersistence "char" NOT NULL, +
relkind "char" NOT NULL, +
relnatts smallint NOT NULL, +
relchecks smallint NOT NULL, +
relhasrules boolean NOT NULL, +
relhastriggers boolean NOT NULL, +
relhassubclass boolean NOT NULL, +
relrowsecurity boolean NOT NULL, +
relforcerowsecurity boolean NOT NULL, +
relispopulated boolean NOT NULL, +
relreplident "char" NOT NULL, +
relispartition boolean NOT NULL, +
relrewrite oid NOT NULL, +
relfrozenxid xid NOT NULL, +
relminmxid xid NOT NULL, +
relacl aclitem[], +
reloptions text[] COLLATE "C", +
relpartbound pg_node_tree COLLATE "C" +
) USING heap