Test 041_checkpoint_at_promote.pl faild in installcheck due to missing injection_points - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Maxim Orlov
Subject Test 041_checkpoint_at_promote.pl faild in installcheck due to missing injection_points
Msg-id CACG=ezZkoT-pFz6a9XnyToiuR-Wg8fGELqHLoyBodr+2h-77qA@mail.gmail.com
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Responses Re: Test 041_checkpoint_at_promote.pl faild in installcheck due to missing injection_points
List pgsql-hackers

After rebasing one of my old patches, I'm hit to a problem with the installcheck test for 041_checkpoint_at_promote.pl.
At first, I thought it was something wrong with my patch, although it doesn't relate to this part of the Postgres.
Then I decided to do the same run but on current master and got the same result.

Here is my configure:

        --with-tcl --with-tclconfig=/usr/lib/tcl8.6/ --with-perl
        --with-python --with-gssapi --with-pam --with-ldap --with-selinux
        --with-systemd --with-uuid=ossp --with-libxml --with-libxslt --with-zstd

$SRC/configure \
        -C \
        --prefix=$TRG/"pgsql" \
        --enable-debug --enable-tap-tests --enable-depend --enable-cassert \
        --enable-injection-points --enable-nls \
        CC="ccache clang" CXX="ccache clang++" \
        CFLAGS="-Og -ggdb -fsanitize-recover=all" \
        CXXFLAGS="-Og -ggdb -fsanitize-recover=all"

And here is my run:
$ time make PROVE_TESTS=t/041_checkpoint_at_promote.pl installcheck -C src/test/recovery
# Postmaster PID for node "standby1" is 820439
error running SQL: 'psql:<stdin>:1: ERROR:  extension "injection_points" is not available
DETAIL:  Could not open extension control file "/home/omg/proj/build/pgsql/share/extension/injection_points.control": No such file or directory.
HINT:  The extension must first be installed on the system where PostgreSQL is running.'
while running 'psql -XAtq -d port=17154 host=/tmp/xkTLcw1tDb dbname='postgres' -f - -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1' with sql 'CREATE EXTENSION injection_points;' at /home/omg/proj/build/../postgres/src/test/perl/PostgreSQL/Test/Cluster.pm line 2140.
# Postmaster PID for node "master" is 820423

Cleary, Postgres can't find injection_points extension.
Am I doing something wrong, or it is a problem with injection points extension itself?

Best regards,
Maxim Orlov.

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