I admit to not having followed the discussion around the new mode for
synchronous_commit very closely, so my apologies if this has been
discussed and dismiseed - I blame failing to find it int he archives
My understanding from looking at the docs is that
synchronous_commit=remote_write will always imply a *local* commit as
Is there any way to set the system up to do a write to the remote,
ensure it's in memory of the remote (remote_write mode, not full sync
to disk), but *not* necessarily to the local disk? Meaning we're ok to
release the transaction when the data is in memory both locally and
remotely but not wait for I/O?
Seems there is a pretty large usecase for this particular in our
lovely new cloud environments with pathetic I/O performance....
Magnus Hagander
Me: http://www.hagander.net/
Work: http://www.redpill-linpro.com/