2015-06-16 22:30 GMT+03:00 Markus KARG <markus@headcrashing.eu>:
> The answer is pretty simple: Try it out. :-)
> Just compile a JRE 8 class down to byte code level 6 and load it on Java
> level 7. That's what I proposed. Nothing else. It really bet will work
> unless you try to INSTANTIATE JRE-only classes, but it should LOAD. And
> nothing more we need.
Markus, can you please be more explicit in your suggestion?
I did try a simple "Hello, world" and it does not run in stock JDKs of
MacOS: https://gist.github.com/vlsi/aeeb4a61d9c2b67ad213
Even if you manage to make that fly, that would be built on sand.
If you read Spring java support blog post
you'll spot that they use separate _classes_ to isolate JDK8 features.