On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 9:37 AM James Coleman <jtc331@gmail.com> wrote:
That being said, the patch also needs some more work on improving EXPLAIN ANALYZE output (perhaps min/max/mean or median of memory usage number of groups in each sort mode), and I think it's far more feasible that I can tackle that piecemeal before the next CF.
I'm looking at this now, and realized that at least for parallel plans the current patch tracks the tuplesort instrumentation whether or not an EXPLAIN ANALYZE is in process.
Is this fairly standard for executor nodes? Or is it expected to condition some of this tracking based on whether or not an ANALYZE is running?
I'm found EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY but no parallel for analyze. Similarly the InstrumentOption bit flags on the executor state seems to indicate whether specific ANALYZE options should be enabled, but I haven't yet seen anything conditioned solely on whether an ANALYZE is in flight. Could someone point me in the right direction is this is expected?