> > So this is a separate cluster from the one you used pg_upgrade on? > > > In that case yes it was seperate > > > > In other words when doing pg_upgrade you could not get a working > cluster, correct? > > > Pg_upgrade does not complete - but as it hasn’t started migrating data I > can start it and it’s fine (except for postgis which is now in a partial > install state)
Now I will actually respond to list:)
So from your original post:
1) "The tablename table gets created causing the above error"
Is 'tablename' a user table or part of PostGIS?
The tablename table is a user table, spatial_ref_sys is a postgis table.
2) "Both the versions have PostGIS 2.5.1 installed and working"
How do you know it is working on the 11 version?
By version I mean 11 - I can init a new cluster and it’s fine
The more I look at this it seems like:
A) pg_upgrade somehow creates postgis without supporting tables
B) while the tables would be created from the schema dump files, they happen too late
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