Hi, hoping someone can tell me how to get this running again.
I have pitr running and noticed that the slave is far out of date with wal logs.
Upon investigation I see that on the master that /data/pgsql/backups/wal_logs has over 6000 logs that haven't been moved
to the /var/lib/pgsql/backups/wal_arch/ folder.
The root partition that has /var had been full and logs may have been removed, and it may have run some time in this condition until someone corrected it.
postgresql.conf file.
test ! -f /data/pgsql/backups/wal_arch/%f.gz && cp %p /var/lib/pgsql/backups/wal_arch/%f
Is there a way to restart a service without taking the database down/up?
Any help would be appreciated.
Chris Barnes
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