> I'm trying to install postgres 8.4.5 on Solaris 10 (Sun):
> ./configure --prefix=/app/postgres-8.4.5 \
> --with-libs=/app/usr/local/lib \
> --with-includes=/app/usr/local/include
First and foremost, I would highly recommend that you use the Sun
compiler to build it. Jignesh Shah had (prior to his departure from
the once-great Sun Microsystems) written a couple of informative
articles that provided the most effective options to use depending on
your architecture. Google his name and postgresql and I'm fairly
certain you'll get some good hits. I believe he's working for VMware,
so if you're on an x86 system, he may have even more up-to-date
information building with the Sun compiler.
It's been many months since I've had to deal with compiling software
on Solaris, but IIRC I had to pass a few options in CFLAGS before
calling configure. I also had a completely clean environment (i.e.
very minimal PATH, no LD_LIBRARY_PATH). In the case of
LD_LIBRARY_PATH, check the output of crle to see if the admins have
added anything to the system runtime link path.
CC=/your/path/to/suncc CFLAGS="-I/your/non-standard/include
-L/your/non-standard/lib -R/your/non-standard/lib ..." \
./configure ...
-- Gary Chambers
/* Nothing fancy and nothing Microsoft! */