Hello [PostgreSQL] World:
As a quick introduction, I'm Pervasive's VP of Corporate Development.
I've been driving the Pervasive Software effort around supporting
PostgreSQL for over a year's time, have been an avid (lurking)
reader of the threads on a number of the PostgreSQL mail lists, meeting
with many of the current core team members and a few early core
contributors who are no longer regularly involved, along with numerous
other strong contributors all over the world and am truly impressed with
everyone I meet that participates in this project. Pervasive is excited to join
this incredible group. The PostgreSQL community is a winning team.
Thanks to the truly open community attitude and keen focus on the
database project, I believe that PostgreSQL is really accelerating to its
deserved position in the database world.
Pervasive is really psyched to be a part of this community and help drive
PostgreSQL to become much more widely adopted in business and
commercial applications. We've brought over a dozen dedicated developers
to work on PostgreSQL projects, who you'll see more from over time, and
we're ready to contribute to the community in many ways.
So on the contribution front, we have heard a few requests for hardware and
hosting and Pervasive has web infrastructure available for the community.
For starters we have a dual xeon server with 120 GB of storage located in
our Frankfurt, Germany datacenter with 100 Mb/S connectivity that will be
fully available for community use and administration in about a week, and
I hope to make more systems available soon. I've seen an earlier thread on
pgsql-www that this may be a good spot for pgFoundry or perhaps gborg,
but it's entirely up to all of you to determine how best to use the systems.
I have a number of other donation ideas, but those are best saved for the
PostgreSQL Foundation, once it's fully in place.
The right mail list for the system use discussion is likely pgsql-www
however, I just wanted to start here and say thank you to all who have
helped Pervasive begin to participate in PostgreSQL.
In addition to developers and contributions, we're driving press activities to
add to the already strong PostgreSQL advocacy, but I need to hear from
everyone around the world on how Pervasive can partner with you to make
PostgreSQL even more successful. Please send me a note, I'd like to
know how we can best work together.
Jeff Seiden
Pervasive Software Inc
Austin, Texas