On Feb 17, 2017, at 12:54 AM, Magnus Hagander <magnus@hagander.net> wrote:
> If we could somehow integrate PGXN with both the RPM build process, the DEB build process and a Windows build process
(whetherdriven by PGXN or just "fed enough data" by PGXN is a different question), I think that would go a long way
towardsthe goal.
My thought was that someone could rsync the PGXN repo every hour or something and build any new modules there. That’s
howthe search site is built: Every five minutes, it rsyncs rsync://master.pgxn.org/pgxn, parses the output to see new
releases,and updates the index.
> Also being able to use this somehow to drive continuous builds and tests (kind of like a buildfarm-lite for a subset
ofplatforms) would be useful for reaching a point where extensions outside of core can come at least close to what we
deliverin core.
Personally I just use Travis and Coveralls on GitHub for that sort of thing.