lholt@greensand.net wrote:
>Hi all,
> anybody seen this one?
>pgsu@dsl-225:~>pg_dump mydb > xxx.dump
>getDatabase(): SELECT failed. Explanation from backend: 'ERROR:
>More than one tuple returned by a subselect used as an expression.
>I'm on Slackware 8.0 with postgres 7.1.2 compilied locally
>and installed. Running AuthPg, mod_perl DBI serving dynamic
>web pages. Everything appears to work ok except pg_dump.
>Any Ideas?
Check your list of databases and their owner IDs (select datname,datdba
from pg_databases). Then check your pg_users table, looking for those owner
ids (as usesysid). Maybe you have a duplicate user ID in your user table
(pg_user/pg_shadow) which owns a database. This query might help:
select datname,datdba,usename from pg_database,pg_user
where datdba=usesysid;
For each database name, there must be exactly one usename.