On 5/20/19 5:22 PM, Will Hartung wrote:
>> On May 20, 2019, at 5:14 PM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com> wrote:
>> Well looks like you are down to Tom's suggestion of creating a test case. Given that it seems confined to the jsonb
fieldand corresponding index, I would think that is all that is needed for the test case. Start with some smaller
subset,say 10,000 rows and work up till you start seeing an issue.
> This will take quite some work, and I wouldn’t attempt it with less than 5M rows to load.
From this post:
You started seeing longer times by the time you got to 500,000 rows and
then it fell off by 1.1 million.
Creating the data:
CREATE TABLE AS gin_test SELECT traits FROM eis_entity LIMIT 1000000;
pg_dump -t gin_test
Adrian Klaver